Monday, July 30, 2012

Welcome to my First Post!

Hello there! Welcome to my first post.  Thanks for stopping by and l promise to try not to disappoint.

I guess it would be proper to to tell you a little about myself.  I'm married, have no children, have a chocolate lab named Spicy Belle, love University of Kentucky sports, including football, and I'm a princess.  I'm a princess many times over and in many ways.  My husband has always treated me as if I were a princess, and as it turns out, he was on to something.

I've recently undertaken my family genealogy as a project. I've always been told that my great grandmother was "full blooded" Cherokee.  I know now that isn't exactly accurate, however, I have persevered in my search, because I want my cut of the casino, as do my many Calhoun aunts, uncles and cousins.  My preliminary research has revealed that I indeed have Cherokee ancestry.  In fact, I am a direct descendant of a chief of the Cherokee Nation.  Chief "grandad times many greats" had a seat at the table when the treaty that resulted in the trail of tears was signed.  I am indeed a Cherokee princess!  It gets better though!!  More research, which I have not yet fully documented, shows that I am also a direct descendant of King Robert II of Scotland. Yes, I am also a Scottish princess.  All this royalty in my bloodline did not surprise my husband a bit. He says it explains a lot though.

Honestly, my lineage has very little to do with the title of my blog.  I am from eastern Kentucky.  I was born in Floyd County.  My mom and dad left Floyd County for the Ashland area when I was just a baby, but I have spent a whole lot of time in the mountains of Floyd County.  Flatwoods was where I lived, but Prestonsburg was always home for my mom and dad, and I considered it home too.  I am very proud to be a mountain girl, but I am also very much a city girl.  The title of mountain princess was given to me by my friend Julie, long before I knew I was truly a princess.  Julie was amused by the way my OCD tendencies took over when I realized there was a mouse in my house.  Actually, it wasn't as much OCD as it was a full on freak out - especially when I realized there was more than one.  It was in the midst of a mouse induced freak out that she proclaimed "you aren't a mountain girl, you are a mountain princess!".  She even had a VERY cute "mountain princess" t-shirt made for me.  Mountain princess is a title that suits me.  I like it. And so I give Julie credit for the title of this blog.

I know that you are just burning with desire to know what you can expect from this blog.  I think you can probably expect a diverse selection of whatever is on my mind at the moment.  I'm fairly certain you can soon expect a rant about 5:00 traffic at the intersection of High Street and Ashland Avenue.  That intersection is the bane of my existence and I'm sure I will be moved to write about it one evening soon.  You can also expect to see posts about things I'm passionate about, and some that I'm not so much.  I'm sure you'll see pictures of my niece and nephew because I LOVE THEM! You'll also see some pics and great stores about my Godson Lonnie.  He's a great kid who was adopted out of foster care and deserves everything that is good in this life.  I also have a couple of hobbies. Actually, I'm hoping that by blogging, I can push myself to spend a little more time on my hobbies and blog about them a bit.

I really love to cook.  I may post some recipes and pictures of the preparation of some of the better ones.  I also enjoy photography.  I will use this space to post some of my better photography work and you can bet that will include many frames of Spicy Belle  And tailgating!!! I love to tailgate, so look for some posts and pictures about tailgating.  I also really want to learn to sew. I may or may not take you along for that ride.  It all depends on how bad I turn out to be at it.

Before too long, I'll introduce you to my husband, Tad.  He's the best husband a girl could ever have, and I'm not just saying that because he might be reading this.  Really!  When my dad died several years ago, someone said to me "honey, your daddy was always so worried that you would never find someone who would put up with you."  I'm not kidding.  Someone said that to me at the funeral home.  I'm very happy to say that just 2 years later, I met the man who was willing to put up with me for the rest of our lives.  I'm sure my dad probably was worried that no one would put up with me, and there will probably be a blog soon about the many ways I drive Tad bonkers.  Well, that could probably be several posts.

This all a pretty tall order, so I should probably get off the couch and get busy doing something that you would be interested in reading about!!

Ta-Ta for now!



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